Air Monitoring 2020-07-24T18:11:38+00:00

1. Pre-Abatement Sampling (Background)

Air samples collected prior to commencement of abatement activities represent fiber concentrations which occur in the air during normal activities.

2. Worker Exposure Sampling (Occupational)

Tests the air in a worker’s breathing zone to determine the amount of exposure to asbestos fibres. Exposure monitoring is conducted to determine whether workers respiratory protection is adequate during abatement as per WorkSafeBC regulations.

3. Daily Abatement Sampling (Ambient)

The collection of air samples during abatement is important to all parties involved. The documentation of fiber concentrations determines if the contractor provided adequate engineering controls, work practices, and maintained barriers in order to prevent the release of fibers to outside the work area.

4. Clearance Sampling (Air Clearance)

Final clearance sampling is conducted at the completion of abatement and cleanup activities; and after visual inspections are conducted, but before any isolation and critical barriers are removed.

5. Field Blank

According to NIOSH 7400 airborne fiber counting test method and WorkSafeBC,at least two field blanks (or 10% of the total samples, whichever is greater) should accompany each set of samples. Handle field blanks in a manner representative of actual handling of associated samples in the set. Open field blank cassettes at the same time as other cassettes just prior to sampling.

Rotameter Calibration Services

WorkSafeBC requires that all air sampling equipment must be calibrated against a primary standard. Rotameters measure airflow using a ball inside a vertical tube.


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