Covid-19 Services 2020-07-24T20:55:01+00:00

Covid-19 Safety Planning

WorkSafeBC requires all employers to develop a COVID-19 Safety Plan that outlines the policies, guidelines, and procedures they have put in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. It is mandatory to have a Covid-19 Safety Plan in place prior to re-opening or operating your business. Epoch Environmental Consulting will help your business develop a step-by-step Safety Plan according to WorkSafeBC’s expectations. A consultant will conduct an inspection of your workplace and follow the steps outlined below to build a customized Covid-19 Safety Plan.

Step 1: Assess the risks at your workplace
Step 2: Implement protocols to reduce the risks
Step 3: Develop policies for your workplace

Covid-19 Surface Testing
Surface sample collection for EDLab Coronavirus RT-qPCR testing

Do you want to monitor and strengthen the effectiveness of disinfection and sanitation measures, particularly after outbreaks or positive tests in a business, care home, or public facilities? Help protect your employees, patrons, and the general public by identifying which surfaces in your facility may play a role in the onward transmission of COVID-19. A technician will identify and swab “high-touch” surfaces in common areas of your facilities, especially surfaces that may be touched by many different people.
Typical surfaces targeted for testing include: i.e. door handles and handrails, light switches, restroom areas, tables and desks and telephones.

Proactive testing of critical sanitized or decontaminated surfaces gives confidence to workers and stakeholders that your facility is safe. Results are reported as positive or negative with a positive result indicating the presence of SARS-CoV-2 genetic material.

Please note that this test is intended and validated only for use on environmental swab samples, and is not suitable for the testing of humans or animals.

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